Scott Alan Langhorst
The Following shared by Scott Alan Langhorst
"Keep Up The Fire"
III Corps - War Zone "C," and parts of "D"
(in the general vicinity of Tay Ninh Province)
Cu Chi, Tay Ninh, Nui Ba Den, Cao Dai Temple, FSB Stoneman, FSB Sedgewick, French Fort, Ho Bo Woods. Boi Loi Woods. Iron Triangle, Michelin Plantation, Dau Tieng,
Other locations: Saigon, Long Binh, Bearcat, FSB Rhode Island, Vung Tau, Krek (Cambodia)
Served as a member of A Co., D Co., (as an Infantry Platoon Leader) and HHC (as the Support Platoon Leader and Battalion S4)
During most of my tour of duty, the 4/9 Manchus were stationed at Tay Ninh Base Camp and rotated through many of the fire support bases ("FSB") north and west of Tay Ninh including FSB Stoneman, FSB Sedgewick, and French Fort (FSB St. Barbara). Tay Ninh Base Camp was affectionately known as "Rocket City" because of its relative proximity to the Cambodian border, from which the North Vietnamese could fire 122mm Katyusha rockets to bombard the airfield, ammunition storage areas, etc. and (unfortunately) also our Manchu complex..
Nui Ba Den (Black Virgin Mountain) is a prominent geological feature located within Tay Ninh Province, an old volcanic cone that abruptly juts up (3,000'+) from the flat rice paddies and jungle which surround it. The U.S. Army had a signal station on
top of the mountain, which was regularly harassed by the Viet Cong and North Vietnamese troops. Toward the end of my tour of duty (May - June, 1970), the 4/9 Manchus participated in the Cambodian incursion --- with Krek as our designated area of operation. That part of Tay Ninh Province and the Cambodian border were still pretty much "triple canopy jungle" despite U.S. bombing and defoliation efforts. A tough slog for grunts...
Received: Combat Infantry Badge, Bronze Star, Air Medal, National Defense Service Medal, Vietnam Service Medal, Vietnam Campaign Medal, Jungle Expert Badge
I am proud of participating in the Vietnam veterans march and dedication of "the Wall" in Washington, DC (November, 1982), and I returned for the 25th anniversary reunion at "the Wall" in November, 2007.