John M. Balmer
John Served in the U.S. Marine Corp from 1967 to 1973. He earned the rank of Sgt. John Joined the U.S. Marines on a 120nday delayed enlistment program on 20 April 1967. On 04 Aug 1967 he entered Boot Camp. He graduated from Boot Camp in October 1967 and went on to Camp Cougar for ITR Training. In November 1967 he was assigned to Head Quarters Company BTN 2nd Marine Division G-2 Section. He attended 8 weeks of Ground Intelligence School. In May 1968 he volunteered for duty in Vietnam and went to Camp Pendelton for additional training.
From July 1968 to October 1969 John served in Vietnam as an Air and Ground Intelligence person. He served with the Marine Air Support Squadron 2 and Marine Air Control Group. Then he was transfered to G-2 HQ Company, Headquarters Battalion. This was the First Marine Division perform Ground Intelligence. He worked in Danage, Dongha, and Camp Control.
At the end of October 1969 he left Vietnam and was assigned to the 6th Marines at Camp LeJurne to process security clearances for other Marines.
In March 1970, he was sent to Subic Bay in the Republic of the Phillippines. There he served as one of the Sergeants of the Guard along with base security for the combat black market and theift of government property. He was also authorizing people and vehicles on and off base.
On 04 June 1971, he left the Phillippes and went to Twenty 29 Palms in California and was discharged honorably from Active Duty and placed in the inactive reserves until 1973.