Leo Besaw

Leo started his military career in April 1970 assigned to the 158th Fighter Wing, Vermont Air National Guard. At that time we had the F-102 Delta Wing platform. During that time we were ever present in a cold war status having 4 aircraft on 15 minute alert. In 1974 we went from an air to air mission to reconnaissance mission with the EB-57 platform. 

He took a hiatus from the guard in 1976 and returned to the 158th in 1980. At that we were transitioning to the F-4D Phantom with our mission air to ground. During that time our deployments were usually to Gulfport Mississippi for training exercises. I was in the munitions/weapons career field from 1981-1984 then went to the Quality Assurance. 

In 1986 we transitioned from the F-4D to the F-16 fighting falcon with the multi roll of air to air and air to ground. From 1987-1994 we deployed 2 months a year to Howard Air Force Base in Panama for drug interdiction. This entailed flying sorties at night  intercepting go boats carrying illegal contraband to the US. 

In 1999 we we're getting more INTEL the guard was going to be playing a much larger roll on the worlds stage. Our training and mission operation turned into providing support to Saudi Arabia. April of 2000 we deployed to Prince Sultan Air Base in Saudi Arabia. My was as NCOIC (Non Commissioned Officer In Charge) of all flying and Aircraft Maintenance operations. This deployment consisted of 300 personnel for 90 days in theater. The mission was to protect Saudi air space intrusion from Iraqi forces. 

September 11 2001 our mission once again changed. Our unit was tasked to home station 15 minute alert and flying Combat Air Patrol over New York City 24/7. The entire 158th Fighter Wing was activated with over 900 personnel to accomplish this mission requirements. My assignment was working in the Command Post directing all Aircraft Maintenance actions to support of mission needs. Our organization flew 121 days straight and over 3000 hrs for what was known as Operation Noble Eagle. 

In 2004 we mobilized and deployed to Qatar. Another 300 personnel to support ground troops in Iraq. mission was close air support and show of force. This was another 90 day rotation. My roll was NCOIC of the deployment. Again as NCOIC we deployed to Balad Air Base Iraq in 2006 where we had 330 personnel for a 4 month deployment. This went under the title of Iraqi Freedom. We stood up a 15 minute alert as well as close air support for those troops on the ground. 

After those deployments my roll changed from working in the Aircraft Maintenance Squadron to being consultant to the Wing Commander as the Wing Command Chief Master Sargent. I held that position from 2007-2011 (retired April 2011). 

Rank held; E-9 Command Chief Master Sargent 

Years served; 37


Squadron; Aircraft Maintenance/Wing Staff