Richard Cripps
Richard proudly served in the U.S. Army during Irai Freedom.
Rich Enlisted in December of 2000
Attended OSUT at Fort Knox, KY feb 01-June 01
Stationed at Camp Casey South Korea with Delta Company 1/72 AR as a Tank Driver from July 01-July 03
Orders to Fort Knox, KY from Aug 03- Aug 06 with 1/16 Cav as a TRADOC soldier for Master Gunner and ABOLC courses
Orders to South Korea with Charlie Company 2/9 infantry as a Tank Gunner from Sept 06-Sept 07
Deferred orders from Fort Stewart to Fort Riley, KS as a Tank Commander for Delta Company 1/18 INF… from Sept 07-Feb 2012… deployed in support of OIF/OND in South West Baghdad as a Mech infantryman from Oct 08 - Nov 09… redeployed as a section sergeant with same unit from Oct 2010-Nov 2011 to southwest Baghdad
Ordered to Fort Lewis Washington as an “Observer Controller Trainer” for 1st Army, training National Guardsmen, Reservists, and Active duty soldiers prior to deployment from February 2012-February 2015
Ordered back to Fort Riley, KS as a Tank Commander with Bravo Company 1/63 AR. Selected to be the Tank Platoon Sergeant for 1st platoon, Bravo Company 1/63 AR… until Sept 2017
September 2017 Medically Retired from USA